
Important Dates & Times

Saturday August 05, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Wednesday April 10, 2024 at 9:00 PM
Tuesday April 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Do not go over the time limit.

Do not include anything in your film that is too violent or graphic in nature.

Do not break copyright laws. 

About Page

Entries are due April 11, 2023.

Nominees will be announced April 17th, 2023.

The awards ceremony will be held on April 27th, 2023 at Alta High School.

Links to detailed information, rules, and helpful tips can be found on the Film Festival home page. Contact your school’s Instructional Coach or Justin Andersen ( if you need help or have any questions.

​The Annual Canyons District Film Festival is an opportunity for students and teachers to show their knowledge, skill, and creativity through the art of filmmaking.

This year is our 13th annual festival, and it promises to continue the tradition of student excellence we have seen year after year.
Students and teachers may enter films for competition in five categories: Short Film, Documentary, Animation, PSA, and Newscast. Students may also submit entries to our Film Festival poster contest.

There are four levels of competition: Elementary, Middle, High, and Teacher. Participants are welcome to choose any theme for their films and are welcome to submit films they have created for class projects or other competitions.

Nominees, administrators, teachers, friends, families, and anyone in the Canyons School District community are invited to join us for this celebration.

What to Expect During the Fair


The fair will be judged and all results will be annouced at the awards ceremony on April 27. 



Animated films are those made from a series of drawings, computer generated images or pictures of inanimate objects where each frame has a slight change from the last to simulate movement.

Films that present or purport to present factual information about a thing, group or process, etc...
Poster Contest
Short Film

Fictional video made on any topic. Storyline, setting, and characters can be based on real people, places, and events, but are fictional in nature.

Teacher Film

Judge Criteria

A text overview of the job and criteria of a fair judge.



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